The Tragedy of Ivoryweald

Dramatis Personae

Name in Fae Society: Bibsworth Butterhill

Name in Mortal Society: Patrick

Age: 15

Patrick is the only fae member of his family--he lives with his mother and younger sister--and consequently, has spent a great deal of time at Caer Duhn since his Chrysalis.

For most of his life, Bibsworth has idolized two things: Airships, and Leowyth Geoner; deep in his heart, Bibsworth firmly intends to become a swashbuckling Airship pirate one day.

In the meantime, though, he is Leowyth's squire--Leowyth is a less-than-martial knight, and Bibsworth's valet-like talents suit him well.

Rumor has it that Bibsworth has begun to idolize a third thing, though--a young sidhe lady named Sylfidtha.

Changeling: The Dreaming is Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
All other materials Copyright K. Tonn

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